How the Just Live by Faith

The Just - These are the Sons and Daughters of The Most High GOD that are justified by His Grace, they become heirs according to the hope of Eternal Life.

These are the Saints, the “Called-out Ones”, GOD’s Chosen He justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them in right standing with Himself). And as a result of Him justifying them, He also Glorified them [raising them to a Heavenly Dignity and Condition or State of Being.] (Romans 8:29-30 Amplified Classic Bible)

They go out into the mission fields, laboring as Ambassadors or Reconciliation and Messengers of The Covenant to share, enlighten, encourage, and lead captive souls in sin to Christ Jesus through being a living epistle, a lively stone, representing themselves as true and serious examples of a Believer in the Faith, and of course, witnessing about who Jesus Christ, what He has done for them, and what He can do for them both now and forever more!

The “Just” displays character traits that are indicative and representative of The Lord GOD! These character traits of GOD are clearly explained and shared in 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. These traits of GOD’s Love are how we resemble The Lord our GOD in our lives, and before others so they can see, discern, and recognize the Hand of GOD in and on their lives.

Now a “TRAIT” is something about you that makes you “YOU!” A distinguishing quality or characteristic is typically one belonging to a person. Attribute, feature, or quality about you is determined by genetics. Natural and Spiritual.

1 Corinthians 13 outlines and discusses 12 character traits of GOD’s Love that He has and desires to develop, grow, nurture, groom, and mature these traits within each of us so that they will give rise to the Holy Spirit within our hearts, minds (Renewed Mindset) and lives for His Glory, Honor, Praise and Namesake.

The Fruit of The Holy Spirit is made evident in our lives as we obey Him, (Choosing to humble, yield, submit, and surrender unto Him; allowing Him to lead, guide, direct, orchestrate, and have control and dominion over our lives, to include our “Free-Will” agency), and operate in the attitude of heart and the attitude of thought that shows forth GOD’s Love, behavior patterns, His Grace and Mercy as stated in the Beatitudes in Matthew Chapter 5.

The “Just” understands that we are brought with a price, they are no longer their own because Jesus Christ our Lord has made Himself our propitiation, our sinless, selfless sacrifice for our sins, and we are ever so grateful and want to so forth our gratitude, thanksgiving, and appreciation for what He has done for us that we reciprocate our lives in humility, submission, obedience, and service and commitment unto His Will, His Word (The Holy Bible), and His Ways.

So what does the “Just” look like among us? How do we recognize and identify them? How shall we know them?

The ‘Just’ lives by Faith by:

  • Maintaining their life with GOD. (Jude 20-21)

  • Building up their Holy Faith in GOD. (Jude 20-21)

  • Praying in The Holy Spirit - Praying without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5 :17)

  • Keeping themselves in the Love of GOD:

    ~ Learning and operating in the character traits of GOD. (1 Corinthians 13)

~ Living and practicing daily GOD’s Heart Attitude and Thought Attitude of Love and life towards others. (Matthew 5)

  • Truly accepting, embracing, and living the ‘New Creature’ in Christ Jesus lifestyle:

~ Understand they are brought with a price. (1 Corinthians 6:20)

~ Understand they are New Creatures in Christ Jesus because they chose to renounce & denounce sin, and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

~ They are Crucified with Christ. (Galatians 2:20)

~ Their old nature (flesh & deeds of flesh) are dead. (Romans 6:6-11)

  • They by Faith, seriously hold fast to their Profession of Faith in Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 10:23-25)

  • They practice and exercise pressing towards GOD’s ‘Mark’ (His Identity for them, His Divine Assignment for them, developing the gifts, talents, skills abilities, anointing, creativity, etc - they need to fulfill their Divine Assignment for His Glory, Honor, Praise, and Namesake.)

So this is who they are, and this is how to become one like them if you, yourself aren’t walking, living, and operating in this level of Victory in your walk and relationship with Christ Jesus.


Walking in Humility before and unto God