JAMES 5:16b - “The Effectual Fervent Prayer of a Righteous Man Availeth Much.”


FATHER GOD, in the NAME of JESUS, I confess that I am a sinner, that I have sinned, and come short of YOUR GLORY, and that I am in need of YOUR GRACE, to be forgiven. FATHER, I believe, that JESUS died for my sins, that I may receive GRACE, and be forgiven. FATHER, I believe that JESUS is THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD, our MESSIAH sent by YOU to save us. FATHER, I believe that JESUS died, was buried, and was raised from the dead for my Salvation.

FATHER, I believe THE WORD of the GOSPEL I have heard, and through Faith in YOUR WORD, I confess that JESUS is now my LORD, my GOD, and my SAVIOR, that I may be saved by YOUR GRACE. FATHER, please forgive me of my sins, and please wash me in the BLOOD OF THE LORD JESUS, that I may be clean in YOUR SIGHT. LORD JESUS, please come into my heart, sit on the Throne, and take control of my life; I submit to YOU, and I surrender to YOU; please rule forever in my life; take me now, I am yours.

FATHER, I thank YOU for saving me, for forgiving me, and for washing me clean from sin by THE BLOOD OF JESUS. FATHER, I thank YOU that I am now Born Again, and I thank YOU for receiving me as YOUR SON, (or receiving me as YOUR DAUGHTER), through JESUS CHRIST my LORD. I receive it by Faith, and I thank YOU now, in JESUS’ NAME. Amen.


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The Mind of Christ: Meditation & Reflection


The Mind of Christ: Meditation & Reflection 〰️

The Renewal of your mind to have the Mind of Christ Jesus operating in your life at all times requires a steadfast application of GOD’s Word in your life.

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